Bobby Ellis


Hello there! Як справи?

My name is Bobby, and contrary to advertising industry norms, I do not have a nicotine addiction, but that doesn’t mean I’m not creative.

If you are looking for someone who has deep familiarity of the MTA, shallow knowledge of how to play    the piano, and zero memory of what the quadratic formula is then look no further.  With a history minor and an unusual amount of sports facts as well as being a human jukebox, I am the perfect fit for any office trivia team. Some of my biggest accomplishments are making Eric Andre laugh and being featured in Business Insider for being dressed up as a cow to get free Chick-Fil-A. I can also write great copy.
“I think he is really funny and good at what he does.” ~ Bobby’s mom
To learn more about me scroll down to see some of my work.

Copywriting and Art Direction
